Providing solutions, not just technology
Designing warehouse automation solutions with seamless integration

What to Expect With Contextant

Contextant designs warehouse automation solutions and seamlessly integrates them with vendor, legacy and custom platforms. Our solutions target core needs, provide robust analytics, and are cost-effective.

We deliver solutions for mid-sized companies, helping them to leverage the same benefits that enterprise companies have seen for years.

We can help plan out and integrate technologies like Mobile Robots, Smart Conveyor, Voice Picking and other IoT-based technologies into your warehouse.

Education Before Implementation

From the initial consultation throughout our relationship, education is our top priority.

We use idea boards and mind maps to help provide our clients with a more collaborative experience.

Our team will help you to understand:

  • Why warehouse automation might make sense for your business

  • When is the right time for you to implement warehouse automation

  • Who needs to be involved in your business to ensure a successful warehouse automation implementation

  • What partnerships you should be establishing with hardware and software vendors to maximize your investment in marketing automation solutions

  • Where can your business benefit the most from warehouse automation today versus in the future

A Long-Term Partner for Long-Term Success

We prioritize longstanding relationships with partners over quick fixes.

Whether we manage that through extended hypercare, managed services, or continuing to analyze data, we’re in no hurry to set up technology and leave.

An ongoing partnership that ensures overall success will provide you with the most value in the long run.

Instead of "visible seams" that you have to keep ignoring, patching over, or hoping will go away with a next release, you’ll be left with a highly-functioning system that you can show off to your colleagues and other business leaders for years to come.

Relationship Reliability

At Contextant, we focus on being a reliable partner. We strive to provide the perfect mix of transparency, forthrightness, and balance.

You can rely on us to recommend the software and hardware you need, and steer you away from what you don’t.

Additionally, you can rely on us to give you a transformative roadmap that will create stability vs. instability, and increase profit vs. increase risk.

A Refined View

From our start as an analytics company specializing in WMS implementations to today, Contextant has always placed exceptional analytics at the center of every implementation.

Unlike other consultants who stop when the technical integration of new warehouse automation technologies is complete, our focus remains rooted in helping you use the data streaming out of these implementations. These metrics are key to providing you with a clear and refined view of your business operations.

Contact Us

Let us help you leverage the same benefits from warehouse automation that enterprise companies have seen for years with right-size solutions for your mid-size business.